Thursday, November 18, 2010

What do I know about the Holocaust?

What do I know about the Holocaust?

  • Hitler conducted it.
  • Hitler wanted to kill all the Jews, homosexuals, and gypsies.
  • The people were all put into concentration camps where they were treated horribly.
  • Millions of people died and were killed.
  • Hitler's perfect vision of a person had blonde hair and blue eyes.
  • It happened during WWII.
  • Anne Frank's diary was found and it told about what she went through to try and stay alive and hide from the Nazi's.
  • Nazi's were the followers of Hitler who were also trying to kill the Jews.
  • One of the main forms of execution was putting the prisoners into gas chambers.
  • Hitler had a plan of "total extermination" of the Jews.
  • Hitler's dad was abusive as a child and Hitler loved his mother very much. His mother came down with cancer and died and it is believed that her doctor was a Jew, and Hitler blamed the doctor for his mother's death. It is believed that that's why Hitler hated Jews so much.
What do we know about the Holocaust?
  • U.S. troops found the first concentration camps in 1944.
  • Hitler hated the Jews.
  • Hitler wanted the Aryan race- blonde hair, blue eyes.
  • Hitler was also prejudice to the gypsies, gays, and the mentally challenged.
  • Anne Frank wrote a diary about it.
  • Scientific experiments were performed on the Jews.
  • Dr. Mengele performed the experiments.
  • Experiments included splitting twins, cutting out people's eyes, face transplanting, etc.
  • In the concentration camps, crying meant you were mentally unstable and you were kill.
  • There were both death camps and work camps.
  • There were mass killings and gas chambers.
  • The Holocaust took place in Europe, mainly Germany, Poland, and Austria.
  • 6 million Jews were said to have been killed, and 11 million people total were exterminated during the Holocaust.

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