Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Elizabethean Life

What did people do for leisure?
In the Elizabethean era, people played sports such as fencing, archery, bowling hammer-throwing and wrestling, and were involved in jousts/tournaments. They played games and gambled,  and the men hunted. The men also bear and bull baited, which was where the men's dogs would attack a bull or a bear, and whoever's dog killed the bear or the bull, won. People had feasts, banquets, fairs, plays, festivals and dancing.

What did the dress/clothing look like?
Upper class people wore rich, elegant clothing while the lower class people wore basic clothing material. People weren't allowed to wear what they wanted. Their fashion was dictated by the Elizabethan Sumptuary Laws which governed the styles and the materials worn.

Under their clothes, women wore stockings, corsets, a hooped skirt, petticoats, smocks, stomachers. kirtles, foreparts, and partlets. Over their clothes they wore a gown, separate sleeves, ruffs, a cloak, shoes, and a hat.Women's hair was usually light colored and frizzy. They kept their hair long, and for young girls, it was a sign of a virgin and it was a favorite hairstyle for a bride on her wedding day.Once a woman was married, she wore her hair swept up. Most of the hair was covered by some form of head covering. The front and sides of the hair got the most attention because those were the areas that were the most displayed.Upper class women were the only ones that wore makeup. A pale complexion with red cheeks and lips was a sign of wealth and nobility. White face makeup was applied to get the pale look. Jewelry was also only available to upper class women. Gold, silver, copper, and ivory were a few of the many precious stones and metals used in their jewelry. Glass, bone, horn, and wood were sometimes used as a cheaper alternative. Brooch's, chains, earrings, bracelets, necklaces, pendents, pins, watches, and rings were worn daily. Rosary beads, ear strings, looking glasses, and buckles were worn on special occasions. For their feet they wore boots, pumps, clogs, or corked shoes.

Men, on the other hand, wore shirts, stockings, codpieces, and corsets underneath their clothing. Over their clothing they wore a doublet, separate sleeves, breeches, a belt, ruffs, a cloak, shoes, and a hat. Mens hats often had their brims turned up and fastened to the crown with a jeweled brooch or other ornament.The materials were often made of velvet, silk, taffeta, and wool. The taller the hat, the more important the man was. Lower classes often wore woolen flat caps.

Elizabethan Daily life – Career Opportunities
The Medieval Feudal system had broken down. Outbreaks of the plague had reduced the population – even peasants were paid for their labor.
The break with Rome and the establishment of the Church of England by her father led to massive changes in Elizabethan Daily life. This major event occurred in 1531 when the Commons acknowledged the king as their “only and supreme lord and, as far as the law of Christ allows, even supreme head.” In the Act of Supremacy of 1534, the caveat “as far as the law of Christ allows” was deleted.  England no longer answered to the Pope in Rome.

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